da form load plan

Figure 2-2. DA Form 5748-R (Shipment Unit.
da form load plan
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I'm wanting to load a 4" 629 with 250-300 grain cast bullets and I'm having a bear of a time finding published load data. Can anyone recommend some good manuals or
U.S. Army Load Plan Form Figure 2-2. DA Form 5748-R (Shipment Unit.
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Component Hand Receipts: SKO (Sets, Kits, and Outfits) Hand Receipts: List of Useful NSN's: DA 31 (Leave Form) DA 2062 (Hand Receipt)

ArmyStudyGuide.com provide extensive information about Da Form 4856 (ArmyStudyGuide.com)
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Department of the Army (DA) Forms.
.44 Magnum Cast load data - Smith &.